6 Myths About Hiring A Professional Painting Company

Even if you don’t know what a certain profession does, you might have a general idea. Painters paint right? But it’s important to know that these ideas aren’t always right. This can make it difficult for homeowners when the time rolls around for you to find a new exterior or interior painter. There is a lot of information out there, and when you ask there are even more opinions available. You might not know what exactly an Orlando painting company does or what to expect from them. Add in referrals and contracts and you may feel way out of your comfort zone.
It is the job of the Orlando painting company to show you that they are dependable and that you can be comfortable leaving your project in their hands, but it’s also important that you feel good and knowledgeable about contacting a painting company in the first place. The following bolded statements are common myths that people have about interior/exterior painting companies and the short paragraphs after them are the truth facts. You can use these as starting points when you’re considering whether or not you’d like to hire a painting company.
Professionals are Expensive
This is untrue in most business situations, so why would it have to be the case here? Painting professionals do not have to be expensive to be good. You get what you pay for though, so in these instances it’s a good idea to think about what you’re getting. A professional paint job means no worry on your end and a job that will last, a job done with good quality paints. It means you aren’t paying for the tools and materials to do it yourself and that you don’t have to worry about DIY mistakes.
As with many services you can always shop around for quotes and compare prices. And you should. It’s important to get quotes from three or more businesses. The market dictates fair value of service so be wary of any prices that are too high or too low. The lowest bid can often carry the highest risk. Feel free to ask for a written estimate that includes all costs and work to be done.
DIY is Equal to Professional Painting
You’ve pinned a bunch of home improvement projects to your Pinterest board, half of them are painting projects and you’ve got a free weekend coming up. Painting can’t be that hard to do, right? You can do just as good of a job and not even have to spend any extra money.
This is false (and not just the not spending extra money part). Homeowners might think that they can do a job as good as a professional painting company. But if they could, we wouldn’t need professional painters. It’s just not that easy.
DIY means a few things. It means that you can choose the wrong materials. It means that you can overspend on these materials. And it also means that if you mess up, you’d be stuck having to redo the job that you just did, possibly without knowing what you’ve messed up in the first place. The thing to consider here is this, when DIY goes wrong, then who do you call? Wouldn’t you rather just save the money you’d spend DIY-ing and have it done right in the first place?
House Painting Requires No Skill
Professional painters paint every single day at their job. They’re called professionals for a reason. They didn’t just watch a YouTube video and figure they knew what they were doing; their knowledge comes with experience to back it up. They know the best tips and tricks; they have the best tools and materials that they use daily.
House painting by a professional painting company means that your job is going to be done with the best possible paints and that it’s going to last you a long time. It means you’re getting an even coat with the least amount of imperfections. It means proper protection from paint splatters, no drips and marks.
And usually it means if there is an issue, they’re skilled enough to fix it for you. Anyone who’s ever tried to paint a room knows how hard it can be to meet all of those requirements, there is definitely skill involved.
Save Money by Buying the Materials Yourself
In some cases if you buy the materials for a job yourself, it can save you money. When it comes to a painting job, this isn’t really ever the case. Different Orlando painting companies have different products that they trust and stand by. If they’re professionals and they stand by their paint, then they are using the best paint available to them.
If the homeowner buys the materials themselves and there are problems with it, whether it’s the wrong brand of material or just bad product, then the work can’t progress any further until it is taken care of. Homeowner product purchases can affect prices and warranties.
Lastly, most painting companies have relationships in place with other business that can allow them to save money in ways not available to individual people. So you might think you’re saving money when you really aren’t. Also (if you got those estimates from the last myth) those costs are usually factored in to your paying price anyways.
The Price of Similar Sized Properties Should Be Identical
One of the ways you hear about successful businesses is via word of mouth, or usually a friend/friend of a friend. One thing that you can’t do in that scenario is hearing about someone else’s paint job and assuming that your job will be the same price because of the similarities between the two. Each job that a painting company does is an individual job. There’s more for them to take in to consideration than just the size of the job (although that is a factor).
When quoting a painting job the painters have to take in breakdown of labor, the types of surfaces to paint, the number of surfaces, the material costs and the number of coats of primer and paint to complete the job. The size of the two locations being similar is not enough to equalize everything just listed. Keep in mind that you can look at old jobs for reference and comparison, but your paint job stands alone pricewise.
Talk to an Orlando Painting Company
It’s really the best way to clear up any remaining myths and get you on your way to fixing your painting needs. A professional painting company can answer any questions that you may have whether or not they’ve been addressed here. They can get you started with an estimate on a paint job that you have in mind and once you’ve made it that far, you’ve really got nothing else to worry about.
As we said earlier a good, professional painting company will be dependable and make you comfortable about giving your job to them. They will walk you through every step of the process, answer any questions, address any concerns, write it all down for you and assure you that you are in the best of hands. Don’t worry. They know what they’re doing. They’re professionals.
We offer free estimates! To get your free estimate or if you want to learn more about our Orlando painting company, contact us here or call us today at 407.256.8610.